marc is rude to everyone

23 responses to “marc is rude to everyone”

  1. I sort of agree on your post, sometimes he is like this to me, he is OK, but not really my favorite.

  2. I don’t really give two shits, besides that, not quite right. In truth, it is Fererererererereereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerererererererererrrhrhrhrrhrhrhrrhererererererererererererererrhrh

  3. also mark, its not ferererererererererererererererererererere, its ferrerererererererererererererererererererererererererer

  4. It’s because @ArcticMoon never warns you or tells you to stop, you spoiled brat.

  5. He’s been rude, or let me say, unreasonable and annoying to me too.
    And it’s Marc Hoffmann, so it has nothing to do with such an English-sounding phrase as march of man.

  6. why did you create this in the first place, ferererererererererererererererere. I’ve been told you like to be called like that quite much.

  7. Wrote bad his nick, @marchoffmann
    Now yes. Forgot it was with double n lol.

  8. @marchoffman has been summoned.
    Waiting for the demon to get out his tentacles dialog please wait.
    OK button pressed.

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